What We Do
Our products and services
We offer energy-efficient solutions to homes, businesses, institutions and farms. We promote the use of clean cooking technologies and consult in renewable energy. Our products are tailored to solar technologies, clean cooking stoves and training programmes.
Bold Solar Energy Technologies
This product is designed to provide renewable energy options for households, businesses, institutions and agriculture through the generation and distribution of solar power across the country. Access to modern energy is limited in Uganda; only 15 per cent of the country’s population is connected to the national grid, and most of the connected clients are located in urban areas, and concentrated in the western and central regions. We harness the gift of abundant and well-distributed sunshine throughout the year. Uganda experiences 5-6 kWh M-2 radiation per day on flat surfaces. In spite of this, the country is mainly dependent on hydroelectric power, fossil fuels and biomass, both of which are not renewable sources of power and have damaging long-term effects on the environment. Uganda’s population is projected to grow to 75 million by 2040 from the current 45 million. Continue reading
Bold Clean Cooking Technologies
In Uganda, 85 per cent of the population use wood fuel as an energy source for cooking, endangering their health through inhaling fumes as they use charcoal and wood and depleting natural forests. Only about 0.5 per cent have access to modern fuel for cooking (electricity, gas or kerosene/paraffin) and 6 per cent use energy-efficient cook stoves. Through partnerships with other stakeholders in the sector, we manufacture and distribute energy-efficient cook stoves at a relatively low price. We are confident that our energy-efficient stoves save up to 50 per cent of the energy that would have otherwise been lost through the use of open fire cooking and ordinary charcoal stoves. Continue reading
Bold Biogas Technology
Humans and animals both produce trash, which includes crop residue, animal manure, food waste, and wastewater. If these wastes are not processed properly, harm may result. These organic wastes are transformed into biogas, which is a more beneficial kind of energy. The wastes are converted into digestate for fertiliser purposes, biogas for use in vehicles and heating systems, and natural gas for cooking and cooking. Continue reading
Bold Solar Irrigation Technologies
A new study finds that standalone solar photovoltaic irrigation systems have the potential to meet more than a third of the water needs for crops in small-scale farms across sub-Saharan Africa. Continue reading
Bold Energy Consultancy
We support organisations to improve their energy efficiency and energy saving.
The rapidly growing population of Uganda is exerting more pressure on the natural resources to satisfy all their food, economic and social needs, creating the need for renewable energy as an alternative to fossil fuels and biomass (firewood and charcoal). We offer skilled technical and financial advice and guidance on the use of renewable energy at both commercial and domestic levels to mitigate the effects of a growing population on the environment.