Bold Energy Solar Technologies

Bold Energy Solar Technologies

Reliable, clean and quality Solar Power Systems

This product is designed to provide renewable energy options for households, businesses, institutions and agriculture through the generation and distribution of solar power across the country. Access to modern energy is limited in Uganda; only 15 per cent of the country’s population is connected to the national grid, and most of the connected clients are located in urban areas, and concentrated in the western and central regions. We harness the gift of abundant and well-distributed sunshine throughout the year. Uganda experiences 5-6 kWh M-2 radiation per day on flat surfaces. In spite of this, the country is mainly dependent on hydroelectric power, fossil fuels and biomass, both of which are not renewable sources of power and have damaging long-term effects on the environment. Uganda’s population is projected to grow to 75 million by 2040 from the current 45 million. This rapidly growing population is exerting pressure on the existing natural resources for food, settlement and economic well-being, especially energy sources.

The increasing tariffs on hydro-power, the scarcity of electricity, limited connectivity and the shortage of energy options have created the need for alternative renewable sources of energy for homes, businesses, institutions and farms. In addition, Uganda experiences high levels of poverty and this is reflected in the energy use patterns. More than 93 per cent of the population relies on readily available sources of energy, especially biomass from wood burning for charcoal, and kerosene for light. While solar energy is being taken up for cooking, telecommunications and business, especially in urban areas, the scale at which it used is very low, despite its availability. This is largely due to the high cost of installation technology which a large number of households and small businesses cannot afford, in a country where 83 per cent of the population live in rural areas. Solar has the potential to reduce the demand for electricity, improve people’s standards of living and promote environmental conservation.

SOLAR energy Solutions:

At BEL, we realise that solar power carries with it several advantages: it is readily available, safe, relatively cheap and environmentally friendly. However, we are also cognisant of the challenges Ugandans face in its adoption. Solar power requires expensive technology to install, high technicality for maintenance and behavioural challenges in its adoption. With a strong entrepreneurial team, BEL has developed solar solutions – Solar Biz to spur business growth; Go Solar to provide clean energy to households; Solar Farm to make solar-powered technologies available for agricultural production; and Solar Mini-Grids assessment, development and maintenance services such as feasibility studies, solar development, asset management, energy audits and clean energy for rural communities.


Power supply in Uganda remains unstable despite increased hydro-energy production and enhanced electrification in rural areas for both businesses and for domestic consumption. Through Solar Biz, we provide reliable clean and affordable solar energy for business needs. We provide SMEs with high quality solar units at comparatively low prices and on flexible pay-as-you-go payment terms.

Uganda GoSolar

Like businesses in Uganda, institutions and households are equally affected by the unreliable hydroelectric power supply. Major institutional consumers of hydroelectric power include schools, universities, hospitals and prisons. Our commitment through Uganda Go Solar is to help institutions trim expenditure on hydroelectricity by providing institutional and household solar units on flexible payment terms.


Climate change has greatly affected weather patterns, disrupting farming activities in Uganda, a predominantly agricultural country that is largely dependent on rain-fed agriculture. Solar Farm is a BEL product designed to promote the use of solar-powered irrigation and other value addition systems to boost agricultural production. We are confident that Solar Farm is a sustainable source of energy for agricultural production which will motivate farming as a business, thereby boosting farmers’ incomes.

Solar Mini-Grids assessment, development and maintenance

BEL provides expertise in assessing the efficiency of existing mini-grids while at the same establishing and maintaining mini-grids.